Radicalization of Pro-Palestinian Students on Campus

Radical guides are teaching pro-Palestinian students to use violence on campus, encouraging militancy and breaking laws to evade police detection and arrest.

NYPD Clears Anti-Israel Encampments at Universities in New York City

Sanitation workers in New York City disposed of tents and other gear left behind after NYPD officers broke up an anti-Israel encampment at universities, arresting 56 people without incidents. Officers found leaflets with details on protesting and civil disobedience, indicating there is funding and radicalization behind the movement.

Concerns of Radicalization in New York City Amid Pro-Palestinian Protests

New York City officials warned of 'radicalization' infiltrating the city amid ongoing pro-Palestinian protests at various college campuses, including Columbia University. Mayor Eric Adams expressed concerns about a movement to radicalize young people, emphasizing the need to address the issue promptly.

Arrest of Protesters at Columbia University

New York City Mayor Eric Adams and NYPD leadership cite a global movement to radicalize young people as the reason behind the arrest of approximately 300 protesters at Columbia University and City College. The protests involved anti-Israel sentiments and led to clashes with police.

Israel's Bombardment in Gaza and Radicalization

Discussion on how Israel's bombardment in Gaza may be reinforcing a cycle of radicalization.

Psychologist's Insights on Assessing Violent Individuals

Dr. Nicholas Kardaras, a psychologist and tech addiction expert, shares insights into his career assessing potentially violent individuals, including a teenage killer influenced by ISIS. He discusses the impact of violent media and online exposure on violent tendencies and predicts an increase in shootings and stabbings. The article highlights the challenges of identifying and understanding violent behavior in youth, especially in the age of social media.

Tech Companies Facing Lawsuit for Role in Radicalizing Shooter

A judge ruled that Reddit and YouTube must face a lawsuit alleging their algorithms played a role in radicalizing a shooter who killed 10 Black people in a grocery store. The lawsuit challenges Section 230 protection for internet platforms.

Pro-Palestinian Protests in London

Pro-Palestinian protests in London are being criticized for creating a hostile environment for Jews, with concerns about extremist groups operating unchecked in the UK.

Britain's Terror Threat Level

Britain's terror threat level is currently at its highest since 9/11, with warnings of potential co-ordinated attacks or lone wolf incidents on UK soil. Politicians have been informed of record levels of extremist 'chatter' and concerns about rising radicalization during Ramadan. Security officials fear a spike in extremist activity following the Israel-Hamas conflict.