Tropical Storm Alberto Hits Texas and Mexico

Tropical Storm Alberto is drenching parts of Texas and Mexico, with heavy rainfall, coastal flooding, and forceful winds. Emergency management officials have distributed sandbags to residents. Forecasters warn of rainfall totals of 5 to 10 inches with maximum totals of up to 20 inches, mudslides, storm surges of 2 to 4 feet, and possible tornadoes.

Severe Flooding in Florida

Florida is experiencing heavy rainfall causing severe flooding, leading to a state of emergency being declared for five counties. The storm is part of the hurricane season and has caused significant damage and disruptions across the state.

Record-Breaking Rainfall in Sarasota, Florida

A city on Florida's west coast was hit by a record-breaking 8 inches of rain in just three hours, causing flash floods and disrupting travel. The rain was so rare that it should only be expected every 500 to 1,000 years.

Fatalities in Houston Storms and India Stone Quarry Collapse

Severe storms in Houston result in a crane falling on a truck, killing one person. In India, a stone quarry collapse due to heavy rains kills 13 workers with 16 missing. Previous incidents of quarry collapses resulted in fatalities. Heavy rainfall in India's northeast poses risks of damage and landslides.

Houston Flooding

Heavy rains in Houston and rural East Texas led to flooding, with over 400 people rescued from their homes, rooftops, and roads. More rainfall was expected, prompting evacuations and high-water rescues. The area is prone to flooding, with Hurricane Harvey in 2017 causing historic damage.

Flooding in China's Guangdong Province

Major rivers, waterways, and reservoirs in China's Guangdong province are threatening dangerous floods, prompting emergency response plans to protect over 127 million people. Heavy rains have caused evacuations, power outages, and suspension of classes in affected areas.

Dubai Record Rainfall and Flooding

Dubai experiences record-breaking rainfall causing widespread flooding, damages, and disruptions in the city, with questions raised about the possibility of cloud seeding as a cause.

Cloud Seeding in the UAE

The National Center of Meteorology in the UAE denies carrying out cloud seeding before heavy storms hit the country, causing flooding in places like Dubai. The agency stated that they did not conduct any seeding operations during the storm.

Rainfall-caused mudslides at Wayfarers Chapel

Rainfall-caused mudslides have forced the closure of the iconic Wayfarers Chapel in Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif., chapel leaders are raising money for repairs and to refund canceled weddings.