Justice Samuel Alito's Absence from Supreme Court

Justice Samuel Alito's absence from the Supreme Court for two days raised questions as the court did not provide an explanation. The absence comes as the court is issuing decisions before the end of its term, potentially extending it into July. Alito has rejected calls to recuse himself from cases involving Trump, despite controversy over flags at his homes.

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito and his wife Martha-Ann Alito's controversy over right-wing flags

Neighbor of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito says secret tapes prove judge's wife intentionally flew controversial right-wing flags with political messages, contradicting Alito's claims of ignorance about their meaning.

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito's Views on Political Polarization

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito expressed skepticism about negotiating with the political left and emphasized the difficulty in finding common ground due to fundamental differences. He also faced controversy over flags flown at his home and rejected calls to recuse himself from cases involving Donald Trump and the Capitol insurrection.

Accusations of Impropriety Against Supreme Court Justice Alito

Fox News reports on accusations of impropriety against Supreme Court Justice Alito by Senator Whitehouse over flags flown at his home and an interview he did, leading to calls for his recusal from cases related to the 2020 election.

Supreme Court Justices and Political Pressure

Democrats requested a meeting with Chief Justice Roberts regarding flags displayed at Justice Alito's properties, linking them to Trump supporters and January 6 protesters. Roberts rejected the request citing separation of powers concerns. Justice Alito refused to recuse himself from ongoing cases related to Trump and January 6, stating his wife flew the flags during a dispute with a neighbor.

Chief Justice John Roberts declines meeting with Democratic senators on Justice Alito recusal

Chief Justice John Roberts declined a meeting with Democratic senators Durbin and Whitehouse to discuss their push for Justice Alito to recuse himself from cases involving Jan. 6, 2021, and the 2020 election. Roberts cited separation of powers concerns and lack of precedent for such meetings.

Calls for Justices Thomas and Alito to Recuse Themselves

Democrats are calling on Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito to recuse themselves from cases related to the January 6 Capitol riots, citing bias concerns. They argue that the Department of Justice can petition the Supreme Court to demand recusal based on existing federal statutes and the U.S. Constitution.

Justice Samuel Alito's Decision on Recusal from Trump-related Cases

Conservative Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito declined to step aside from cases related to Trump and the Capitol attack despite flags at his properties. He cited the Supreme Court's ethics code and emphasized his wife's actions as a private citizen.

Justice Samuel Alito criticized for flying upside-down American flag

Liberal media pundits criticize Justice Samuel Alito for flying an upside-down American flag and an 'Appeal to Heaven' flag, but Alito refuses to recuse himself from related cases.

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito recusal demand by Democrats

Democrats demand Justice Samuel Alito recuse himself from cases involving former President Trump and January 6 due to flags displayed in his yard, but legal experts argue against the pressure campaign.

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito and the upside-down flag controversy

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito facing criticism for an upside-down flag outside his home after the Jan. 6 attack, leading to demands for recusal in related cases and censure.

Former President Trump's hush money trial

Former President Trump's hush money judge declined to recuse himself from the trial despite Trump's demands based on his daughter's employment at a firm that works for prominent Democrats. The judge rejected the motion, stating it relied on speculation and innuendos. The trial continues with Trump facing 34 counts of falsifying business records.

Former President Trump's hush money trial

Former President Trump's hush money judge denied to recuse himself from the trial despite Trump's demand based on his daughter's employment at a firm that works for prominent Democrats. The judge ruled that the motion was unsupported speculation.

Allegations of Misconduct in High-Profile Legal Case in Atlanta

A lawyer in Atlanta challenges charges against his client, who was involved in a scheme to submit fake electors to overturn the 2020 election. Allegations of a romantic relationship between the district attorney and a special prosecutor leading the case have led to calls for recusal and dismissal of charges. The case poses a significant threat to Donald Trump and his allies. The judge overseeing the case is set to hold an evidentiary hearing on the relationship between the district attorney and the special prosecutor.