Homeless man attacks 9-year-old girl in Grand Central Station

Homeless man freed without bail after breaking a woman's nose goes on to sucker-punch a 9-year-old girl in Grand Central Station. He was caught by MTA and NYPD transit cops and is now awaiting arraignment in Manhattan Criminal Court.

NYPD Chief criticizes judge for releasing repeat offender

NYPD Chief of Patrol criticized a judge for releasing a repeat offender, leading to a public dispute between court officials and the police. The post misidentified the judge and shared the offender's mugshot, which is against New York law.

Impact of Illinois' Elimination of Cash Bail on Repeat Offenders

A man accused of shoplifting multiple times in Chicago after being released due to Illinois' elimination of cash bail. He was charged with felony shoplifting and resumed stealing from stores despite being on bail. The state eliminated cash bail in September, leading to criticism. The suspect is currently behind bars after multiple incidents of shoplifting.