Retraction of False Story by One America News

One America News retracted a false report claiming Trump's former fixer had an affair with a porn star, apologizing to the fixer and removing the story from their website and social media. The fixer, Michael Cohen, hired a leading defamation lawyer to address the false report, leading to the retraction.

Retraction of False Claim about Biden White House and Easter Eggs

The Daily Caller retracted an article claiming the Biden White House banned religious Easter eggs from an art contest at the annual Easter Egg Roll. The claim was debunked by fact-checkers and historical evidence as the ban on religious symbolism on eggs has been longstanding.

Fabricated report of IDF rapes in Gaza hospital by Al Jazeera

Al Jazeera retracts fabricated report alleging IDF rapes in a Gaza hospital after letting it go viral for over 24 hours. The story was based on false testimony by a Gazan woman and has been deleted from their website.