Athletes' Experiences at the Paris 2024 Olympics

Athletes from around the world share their experiences at the Paris 2024 Olympics, highlighting the immense sacrifices and achievements they have made to compete at the highest level, regardless of winning medals. Even those who did not place well cherish the experience of being Olympians and enjoy the camaraderie and cultural experiences the event offers.

Memorial Day Tribute at Arlington National Cemetery

US President Joe Biden pays tribute to veterans at Arlington National Cemetery, emphasizing the importance of their sacrifices in protecting the nation's democracy. Former President Donald Trump posts an angry and incendiary Memorial Day message on his social media site, showcasing a stark contrast in tone and behavior.

Faces of Margraten Project Honoring American GIs in the Netherlands

The Faces of Margraten project in the Netherlands honors American GIs who fought and died in World War II by connecting them with adoptive families, seeking photos, and humanizing the cost of war.

Former Tesla Employee Sacrifices

A former Tesla employee describes sacrifices he made for the company before being laid off, including sleeping in his car and showering at the factory. Despite his dedication, his position was eliminated, sparking a viral response on LinkedIn.