Thailand Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage

Thailand lawmakers vote to legalize same-sex marriage, potentially making it the third country in Asia to permit same-sex marriage.

Same-Sex Marriage in Cambridge, Massachusetts

Same-sex couples in Cambridge, Massachusetts began filling out marriage license applications on May 17, 2004. One married couple reflects on their wedding and marriage since then.

Japan's Same-Sex Marriage Ban Ruled Unconstitutional

A high court in Japan ruled the country's ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional, despite opposition from the conservative government. The ruling was welcomed by rights groups but the government is considering its next steps.

Same-Sex Marriage Legalization in Greece

Greece passes landmark bill allowing same-sex couples to marry, with the first lesbian couple getting married in a historic ceremony in Athens. The law also grants LGBTQ couples the right to adopt children.

Backlash Against Same-Sex Marriage Law in Greece

The Orthodox Church of Greece is facing backlash for imposing a religious ban on two local lawmakers who supported a landmark law allowing same-sex civil marriage in Greece, the first Orthodox Christian country to legalize same-sex marriage.

Czech Republic Parliament Rejects Same-Sex Marriage

The lower house of Parliament in the Czech Republic rejected same-sex marriage but affirmed existing partnerships for gay couples. The legislation also prohibits same-sex couples from adopting children.

Justice Alito's criticism of the Supreme Court's same-sex marriage ruling

Justice Alito criticizes the Supreme Court's decision on same-sex marriage, warning of labeling those who oppose homosexuality as bigots. He expressed discontent with the 2015 ruling and concerns about religious discrimination in jury selection.