Russia's Space Weapon, Nuclear Drills, and Threats

Russia launched a satellite into space that the US believes may have the capability to attack others. Putin's army is conducting nuclear weapon drills near the Ukraine border. China is reportedly sending lethal aid to Russia and into Ukraine. Nato countries are being threatened with nuclear war by Putin if they deploy troops to Ukraine.

Russian Space Weapon Threat

Vladimir Putin has launched a space weapon capable of attacking satellites, putting it in the same orbit as a US satellite. The US warns of potential threats to space security and has been tracking the Russian space object. Experts fear Putin could launch deadly weapons into space if his power is threatened.

Satellite Industry Growth and Space Debris

Earth gained a record number of satellites last year, leading to congested orbits and increased risk of collisions and space debris. The satellite industry's growth poses challenges for space operations and insurance.

Close Call Between Russian and Nasa Satellites

A Russian satellite narrowly avoided colliding with a Nasa satellite, which could have resulted in dangerous debris shooting around Earth. Nasa is launching a Space Sustainability Strategy to monitor satellites and prevent collisions in crowded low Earth orbit.

Rocket Launch Failure

A rocket from Space One, a Tokyo-based startup, exploded shortly after takeoff during its inaugural launch, missing the opportunity to become the first Japanese company to put a satellite into orbit.

Privacy Concerns Over Albedo's New Satellite Capable of Spying on Individuals from Space

Privacy experts are concerned about a new satellite by Albedo that can spy on individuals and objects with high resolution imagery from space. The satellite has raised privacy and surveillance concerns, despite claims of not having facial recognition software. It has contracts with the U.S. Air Force and National Air and Space Intelligence Center for national security purposes.