Climate Change Misinformation by Donald Trump

Former President Donald Trump falsely claims that the oceans will only rise one-eighth of an inch over the next 400 years, downplaying the real threat of climate change and emphasizing nuclear warming. The actual sea level rise is already more than one-eighth of an inch each year, with projections showing significant increases in the future.

Local Extinction of Key Largo Tree Cactus in the United States

The United States has lost its only stand of the massive Key Largo tree cactus due to rising sea levels and intense storms. The cactus still grows in scattered islands in the Caribbean. Researchers are concerned about how other coastal plants will respond to climate change.

Antarctic Ice Loss Misrepresentation

A video from the Heartland Institute misrepresented data about Antarctic ice loss, falsely suggesting that Antarctica is not losing ice. In reality, various studies and experts confirm that Antarctica has been losing ice mass over the past few decades, contributing to global sea level rise.