U.S. Africa Command's Concerns in Africa

U.S. Marine Corps Gen. Michael Langley, Commander of U.S. Africa Command, discusses the increase in Islamic jihadist terrorists in Africa, threats from China, Russia, and Iran, and the shift in U.S. military policy in West Africa.

Challenges of Gaza Humanitarian Aid Piers in the Mediterranean Sea

Rep. Michael Waltz discusses the challenges and high costs associated with building and deploying Gaza humanitarian aid piers in the Mediterranean Sea, questioning the effectiveness of the operation.

Security Threats to U.S. Military Bases

Foreign nationals are attempting to penetrate U.S. military bases more frequently, with incidents occurring two to three times a week according to Admiral Daryl Caudle of U.S. Fleet Forces Command. The attempts involve individuals from various nations, including Russia and China, and many possess passports and papers.

Iran's Investment in Artificial Intelligence

Iran is investing in artificial intelligence to boost its military capabilities and economy, which raises concerns about potential security threats to the U.S. and its allies.

Security Threats Posed by Iran and Its Proxies

The article discusses the ongoing security threats posed by Iran and its terror proxies, including assassination attempts on U.S. leaders and residents. The House Committee on Homeland Security held a hearing to assess the threats, which include disrupting trade, endangering maritime security, and coordinating terror operations in Europe and South America.

Terrorist Encounters at the Southern Border

Former FBI Director of the Terrorist Screening Center expressed concern over the high number of known or suspected terrorists encountered at the southern border, causing him 'sleepless nights.' The current numbers far exceed what worried him during his tenure.