Truck Stop Serial Killers in America

Long-haul truck driver Bruce D. Mendenhall was arrested for the murders of multiple women, suspected to be part of a larger pattern of trucker serial killings. The FBI's 'Highway Serial Killings Initiative' estimates that hundreds of truckers could be involved in these crimes over the past 35 years.

The Case of Rex Heuermann and the Gilgo Beach Murders

Rex Heuermann, a 60-year-old architect, has been charged with the murders of multiple women, including Jessica Taylor and Sandra Costilla, whose remains were found on Long Island's Gilgo Beach. He has also been linked to other murders of young women who were sex workers. Evidence suggests he meticulously planned his killings and had a history of violent pornography. He faces multiple life sentences if convicted.

Belgium's Labour Law for Sex Workers

Belgium has become the first country to approve a labour law on employment contracts for sex workers, granting them rights such as health insurance, pensions, and the ability to refuse clients or sexual acts without fear of dismissal. The law aims to protect sex workers and is seen as a model for other countries to follow.