Xavien Howard sued for revenge porn

Former Dolphins cornerback Xavien Howard is being sued for allegedly sending naked pictures of a woman he was dating to her son in a revenge porn plot. The woman and her son are both suing him for spreading sexually explicit content that left them feeling debased and humiliated.

NFL Player Xavien Howard Accused of Sending Sexually Explicit Content of Mother to Underage Boy

NFL player Xavien Howard facing serious accusations of sending sexually explicit content of his mother to an underage boy, lawsuit claims. Allegations include revenge actions against the mother for not getting an abortion and sharing explicit material without consent.

Fox News Removes Hunter Biden Miniseries

Fox News removed a Hunter Biden miniseries after his attorneys threatened to sue over its sexually explicit content. The program, titled 'The Trial of Hunter Biden,' featured a mock trial about his legal troubles and overseas financial dealings.