Boston officials prepare to house illegal immigrants at Old Chelsea Soldiers’ Home

Boston officials are preparing to use the Old Chelsea Soldiers’ Home to house illegal immigrants due to overcrowding at current shelters. The city is implementing new requirements for migrants staying at the facility to sign up for state programs that aim to transition them out of reliance on state assistance.

Challenges in Housing Migrants in El Paso

El Paso is experiencing challenges in housing an increasing number of migrants, with shelters operating at or over capacity due to slow state transportation and an influx of Venezuelans relying on the state's transportation system.

Denver's Overflowing Migrant Shelters

Denver officials are asking local landlords to take in illegal migrants as the city's migrant shelters are overwhelmed. Mayor Johnston's office announced the closure of four shelters, prompting the need for housing solutions. The city has granted work permits to 1,300 illegal migrants and is facing challenges with the influx of migrants in both shelters and the healthcare system.