Houthi Attacks on Vessels in the Red Sea

Leading shipping groups are calling for action to stop Houthi attacks on vessels in the Red Sea after a second freighter sank, resulting in the deaths of at least three seafarers. The attacks are causing disruption to global supply chains and increasing shipping costs.

Yemen's Houthi Rebels Attack Greek-Owned Ship Bound for Iran

Dr. Warren Goldstein discusses South Africa's upcoming election and the ruling ANC teaming up with anti-Western foes. A Greek-owned ship with a cargo bound for Iran was attacked by Yemen's Houthi rebels, causing damage and no remaining dangerous explosives onboard. The Houthis have been targeting vessels to pressure Israel and the West over the war in Gaza.

Russian Crude Oil Prices

Russian crude oil is currently selling for about $75 per barrel, above the $60 cap imposed by the G7 in 2022. Despite efforts to starve Russia’s war machine of oil revenue, prices remain high, especially in markets like India. Western shipping companies may not be honestly reporting the value of the Russian oil they transport.

Reopening of Commercial Shipping in Baltimore After Bridge Collapse

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has outlined a tentative timeline for reopening commercial shipping in Baltimore after a cargo ship caused the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge. A limited access channel will be opened by the end of the month, with a full reopening expected to take longer. The incident resulted in the death of two road repair crew members and left four missing.

Response to Collapsed Bridge in Baltimore

President Biden's administration is facing criticism for its handling of the response to a collapsed bridge in Baltimore, with questions about the number of ships stuck in the harbor remaining unanswered. The National Defense Reserve Fleet includes 90 ships, with 53 being part of the Ready Reserve Force. Several ships, including roll-on/roll-off cargo ships, are stuck in Baltimore. The situation could pose challenges in case of a war. The administration has been unable to provide a timeline for reopening the Port of Baltimore.

Collapse of Francis Scott Key Bridge

The collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge disrupts shipping and supply chains after being hit by a cargo ship.

Impact of Baltimore Port Collapse on U.S. Economy

The collapse of a major bridge in Baltimore has shut down the port, leading to significant economic consequences for the U.S. The rerouting of shipping is likely to cause congestion and delays at other ports, potentially leading to goods inflation and shortages. The federal government will need to fund the reconstruction of the bridge and clearing of the port, worsening the budget deficit and increasing inflationary pressures.


The collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore due to a collision threatens deep disruptions to the economy and travel, leading to significant challenges for the Port of Baltimore, one of the East Coast's crucial shipping hubs. President Biden has promised federal support for rebuilding the bridge, but the aftermath of the incident will have long-lasting effects on maritime shipping and trade.

Houthi Terrorist Rallies in Yemen

Houthi terrorists in Yemen organized rallies in support of their Red Sea terror campaign and Hamas, targeting ships and causing disruptions to global commercial shipping. The Houthis have declared war against Israel and have engaged in violent acts including killing civilians, sexual violence, and attacks on ships with ties to various countries.

Yemeni terrorist organization Ansarallah's attacks on global shipping

The leader of the Yemeni terrorist organization Ansarallah threatened "surprises" for American and allied forces trying to contain their disruptions of global shipping. They declared war on Israel and have been attacking commercial ships, including American and British vessels. The attacks have continued despite military actions by the U.S. and U.K. The leader boasted about their attacks and promised more surprises for their enemies.

Houthi Terrorist Attacks on Global Shipping

The Defense Minister of the Houthi terrorist organization celebrated the disruption of global shipping in the Red Sea, targeting ships from various nations including the U.S., Britain, and Israel. The attacks have significantly impacted shipping costs. The Houthis share funding and support from Iran and have a strong anti-Jewish sentiment. They have broken promises not to target non-Israeli affiliated ships and continue to threaten maritime security in the region.

Houthi Attacks on Red Sea Shipping Traffic

Abdul Malik al-Houthi, leader of the Iran-backed Houthi terrorists in Yemen, boasts about shutting down Red Sea shipping traffic and threatens to escalate attacks, including using submarine weapons. US military intercepts Houthi drones and missiles. Houthis warn ships linked to Israel, US, and UK will be attacked in the Red Sea.

Yemen's Houthi Attack on US Ships in Gulf of Aden

Yemen's Houthi militants claimed responsibility for attacking two US ships in the Gulf of Aden, using naval missiles. The UKMTO is investigating the incident, and there are concerns about the new danger posed by the use of unmanned underwater vessels. The group's ties to Iran and its role in disrupting shipping in the Red Sea are highlighted.