Preparations for the April 8 Solar Eclipse in the U.S.

Local governments are preparing for an influx of visitors during the April 8 solar eclipse visible along a narrow path in the U.S. Some social media posts falsely claim a catastrophic event is imminent. National agencies and local governments are bracing for the impact of the event on towns along the path due to the expected large number of visitors. Preparations include filling up gas tanks, buying groceries, and advising on potential cell phone signal disruptions. The U.S. Department of Transportation issued a fact sheet highlighting the need for traffic preparations. Despite the baseless claims on social media, the measures taken are to manage the influx of visitors and ensure public safety during the eclipse.

Ku Klux Klan's Influence on the 1924 Democratic National Convention

The Ku Klux Klan caused division at the 1924 Democratic National Convention but failed to nominate its preferred candidate. A recent social media post falsely claimed a Klan march photo was from the convention, when it was actually from a funeral march in Wisconsin later that year.