John Singleton Mosby and the Ambush of Union Troops in 1864

Confederate guerilla leader John Singleton Mosby and his Rangers ambushed Union troops in the winter of 1864, resulting in a bloody defeat. The story is detailed in a bestselling book about Lincoln's special forces and the shadow war during the Civil War.

Union major Henry Harrison Young and America's Special Forces in the Civil War

The article explores the story of Union major Henry Harrison Young, a fearless soldier during the Civil War who played a crucial role in leading special forces units. Young's bravery and strategic tactics helped the Union win key battles and ultimately save the nation. The article also mentions the forthcoming book 'The Unvanquished' that delves into Young's story and the creation of America's special operations forces.

Israeli hostage rescue

Former Israeli hostage Luis Har speaks to NPR about his 129 days of captivity in Gaza and his rescue by Israeli special forces.