Squatting couple evicted from New York home

A couple in New York attempted to squat in a home, falsely claiming a lease with a deceased owner. After causing chaos in the neighborhood, they were finally evicted by local sheriffs.

Venezuelan 'Migrant Influencer' Arrested for Encouraging Squatting in the U.S.

Venezuelan 'migrant influencer' complains from jail in the U.S. after being arrested for encouraging squatters to take over homes and facing federal firearm charges.

Legal Battle Against Alleged Squatters in Queens, New York

A Queens homeowner in New York fought a legal battle against alleged squatters who used a Shake Shack receipt to occupy her $930,000 property. The squatters eventually abandoned their lawsuit after their evidence was found to be weak.

Migrant Squatters Facing Gun and Drug Charges in New York City

A group of eight migrant squatters in a Bronx apartment with a child were found with drugs and weapons, leading to their arrest. The suspects are facing charges of criminal possession of a weapon, criminal possession of a controlled substance, and acting in a manner injurious to a child.

White House Response to Squatting Issue

The White House considers squatting a local issue and believes local governments should take action to protect the rights of property owners and renters. Florida Governor signed a bill granting state law enforcement officials power to remove squatters and increase penalties.

Florida Squatting Law

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation into law that eliminates squatters’ rights in the state, increasing penalties against offenders and allowing property owners to quickly remove squatters. The law will take effect on July 1.

Venezuelan Influencer Promoting Squatting in American Homes

Venezuelan social media influencer promotes squatting in American homes, sparking outrage. Influencer claims squatter's rights laws allow for seizing abandoned houses. Some believe influencer should be jailed or deported.

Georgia Republicans propose bill to criminalize squatting

Georgia Republicans propose bill to make squatting a criminal offense after man's rental property was seized by squatters while he was away caring for his sick wife. The bill aims to address the squatting crisis in Atlanta.