2024 Presidential Campaign Fundraising and Ground Game

President Joe Biden has a significant fundraising advantage over Donald Trump, allowing him to build a larger campaign operation in battleground states. Biden's strategy focuses on mobilizing voters through a robust ground game and advertising blitz. Trump's campaign appears to be conserving cash for a later blitz. Both campaigns express confidence in their prospects, while facing challenges such as Biden's low approval ratings and Trump's legal issues.

Pittsburgh Police Staffing Cuts

Pittsburgh police are cutting officer presence in dispatch offices from 3 a.m. to 7 a.m. due to staffing shortages, leading to limited response to non-emergency 911 calls. The decision has sparked controversy and pushback.

Biden-Harris Re-election Campaign Staffing and Strategy

The Biden-Harris re-election campaign has announced the hiring of three key staffers after a chunk of Democrats voted 'uncommitted' in the Michigan primary and ahead of Super Tuesday. President Biden's lead over Trump is shrinking in the 2024 matchup. The campaign is also launching a nationwide effort to win over women.

Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant at Risk

The Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine, near the front line of the war with Russia, is at risk of a potential disaster due to staffing issues, maintenance concerns, and power outages. The plant is currently relying on backup generators to operate safely.