Presidential Election Polls Post-Conviction

Former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden in national surveys post-conviction, with a two-point difference in favor of Trump. Independent voters show a double-digit edge for Trump.

Former President Donald Trump's Return to Arizona with Turning Point USA

Former President Donald Trump makes a comeback in Arizona after two years, endorsing Turning Point USA's voter mobilization efforts and promoting the 'Swamp the Vote' campaign. The event at Dream City Church in Phoenix focuses on energizing young conservatives to turn out voters and support Trump's re-election efforts in the crucial swing state.

Joe Biden Rally in Philadelphia

Low attendance at a Joe Biden rally in Philadelphia despite Pennsylvania being a key swing state. Polls show a decline in support among young, Black, and Hispanic voters. Former Rep. Jason Altmire expresses surprise at the situation.

Political Shift in Georgia

Georgia has shifted from a deep red GOP stronghold to a swing state with a growing Democratic influence. Republican outreach centers designed to attract non-white voters have closed down and been replaced by an upscale sex shop in suburban Atlanta.