CAIR Condemns Mayor for Condemning Antisemitic Protest at Synagogue

CAIR condemned Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass for speaking out against an antisemitic protest at a synagogue, claiming the protest was legitimate. The protest involved pro-Palestinian activists targeting a synagogue in Pico-Robertson, leading to violence with pro-Israel counter-demonstrators. Multiple political figures, including Governor Gavin Newsom, Mayor Bass, President Joe Biden, and the Israeli government, condemned the protest as antisemitic and dangerous.

Protests Outside Synagogue in West Los Angeles

Pro-Palestinian and Pro-Israeli demonstrators clashed outside a synagogue in West Los Angeles, leading to violence and arrests. President Biden and local officials condemned the violence. The event at the synagogue was promoting property listings in Israeli settlements in the West Bank, sparking protests against the sale of occupied land. The international community considers these settlements illegal, but Israel considers them neighborhoods of its capital. The violence has been criticized as antisemitic and a violation of human rights.

Attack in Dagestan, Russia

Fifteen law enforcement officers and four civilians were killed in coordinated attacks in Dagestan, Russia. The attackers targeted synagogues and Orthodox churches, leading to a total of 19 deaths. The incident has been designated as an act of terrorism, but the responsible party remains unclear.

Violent Protest Outside Synagogue in Los Angeles

Israel condemned violent protest against Jews by pro-Palestinian activists outside a synagogue in Los Angeles. Pro-Palestinian mob blocked entrance, leading to clashes with pro-Israel counter-demonstrators and security officers. Israeli government spokesman called it Jew-hatred and urged Jews to wear their identity with pride. California Gov. and L.A. Mayor condemned violence late. Article by Joel B. Pollak on Breitbart News.

Coordinated Terror Attack in Dagestan, Russia

A coordinated terror attack in Dagestan, Russia targeted two synagogues, two churches, and a police outpost, resulting in at least 22 deaths. The attackers received foreign funding, and the motive may be linked to anger over the Israel-Hamas war. Security forces killed six gunmen involved in the attacks.

Pro-Palestinian Activists Target Orthodox Jewish Synagogue in Los Angeles

Pro-Palestinian activists targeted an Orthodox Jewish synagogue in Los Angeles to protest an event promoting real estate investment in Israel, blocking entrance and preventing Jews from entering. This is the second incident of activists targeting synagogues in LA recently.

Arrest of Suspects Plotting Attack on Synagogue in Germany

German authorities have arrested two men suspected of plotting a knife attack on a synagogue in Heidelberg. The suspects discussed killing worshippers and being shot by police as martyrs. Police uncovered the plot during a search of the suspects' homes, seizing evidence of their plans.

Antisemitic Attack in Rouen, France

French police shot and killed a man armed with a knife and metal bar suspected of setting fire to a synagogue in Rouen amid rising antisemitism in France during the Israel-Hamas war.

Increase in Threats Against Synagogues in the U.S. and Worldwide

Man shot and killed by police in France after setting fire to synagogue in Rouen. No injuries reported. Anti-Semitic acts on the rise.

Attack on a Synagogue in Rouen

French police shot and killed a man armed with a knife and a metal bar suspected of setting fire to a synagogue in Rouen. Tensions rise in France over Israel-Hamas war.

Attack on Warsaw Synagogue

Warsaw's main synagogue was attacked with firebombs, but sustained minimal damage and nobody was hurt. The incident was strongly condemned by political leaders.

Arson Attack on Warsaw Synagogue

Authorities in Poland condemn arson attack on Warsaw synagogue, with no injuries reported. Foreign Minister and President denounce anti-Semitism and hate. Jewish community expresses concern and indignation. Motives behind the attack remain unknown.

Incendiary device thrown at synagogue in Germany

An incendiary device was thrown at a synagogue in Oldenburg, Germany causing minor damage but no injuries. Police are investigating the incident and searching for the perpetrator.

Anti-Israel Protest at Synagogue in Teaneck, NJ

Angry anti-Israel protesters rioted outside a synagogue in Teaneck, NJ during an event hosted by an Israeli organization that recovers bodies of terrorism victims for proper burial. The incident reflects ongoing tensions between Palestinians and Israelis in the area.

Preservation of a small synagogue in Colorado

A small synagogue in Colorado built in the 19th century narrowly escaped demolition and has become one of America's newest National Historic Landmarks.