Mandatory National Service Proposal by Britain's Conservative Party

Britain's Conservative Party plans to introduce mandatory national service for 18-year-olds if it wins the national election on July 4, offering military or community participation options. The proposal is funded by cracking down on tax avoidance and evasion and diverting money from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Tax Avoidance by Pharmaceutical Companies in the U.S.

Many large pharmaceutical companies in the U.S. pay very low taxes, with effective tax rates far below the 21% corporate tax rate. Pfizer, for example, reported a negative effective tax rate despite booking $59 billion in revenue.

Corporate Tax Dodging by Major U.S. Corporations

A study found that Netflix and other major U.S. corporations paid more to their top executives than they did in federal taxes. Netflix paid its top five executives $652 million while only paying $236 million in federal income tax over a five-year period. This behavior negatively impacts working families by reducing paychecks and public services.