Current Events

Deadly protests in Kenya against proposed tax hike, U.S. Veepstakes ongoing, Wall Street Journal reporter on trial for espionage in Russia, Earthship Atlantis on the market, Gaza facing severe malnutrition crisis

Protests against Tax Hike in Kenya

Barack Obama's half-sister, Auma Obama, was hit with tear gas while protesting against a tax hike in Kenya. The protest turned violent with fatalities reported as protesters clashed with police. The tax increase is causing unrest due to high cost of living and increasing debt in the country.

Kenyan protests over tax hike

Intense clashes and protests in Kenya after lawmakers approved a tax-raising proposal

Illinois State Budget and Tax Hike for Migrant Spending

Illinois passes largest tax hike in state history, with nearly $1 billion in new taxes in a $53 billion budget. Majority of the tax hike allocated to migrant spending. Republican Senator McConchie criticizes tax increase as funding for Joe Biden's migrant problem.

Houston's Financial Crisis

The Mayor of Houston says the city is 'broke' after overspending for decades, with a $160 million deficit. Former Mayor Turner falsely claimed a $420 million surplus. A tax hike through a bond is expected in November. Houston's population is growing and is expected to rival Tokyo's by 2100.