South China Sea territorial dispute

Video released by the Philippines military showed confrontation with China coast guard in the South China Sea.

Philippines-China Territorial Dispute in the South China Sea

Filipino activists and fishermen sail towards disputed shoal in the South China Sea, shadowed by Chinese coast guard ships. The convoy aims to assert Manila’s sovereignty over Scarborough Shoal, despite China’s claims. The Philippines has been involved in territorial disputes with China, seeking international support for its cause.

Venezuelan President accuses US of building secret military bases in disputed territory

Venezuelan President Maduro accuses the US of building secret military bases in disputed territory, sparking fears of military conflict. Tensions rise over oil-rich region of Guyana claimed by Caracas.

South China Sea territorial dispute

Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. defends his country's territory in the South China Sea against Chinese aggression. Both Marcos and the Philippine Foreign Minister call for upholding international law and opposing actions inconsistent with it.