FDA Warning on Contaminated Shellfish in Oregon and Washington States

The U.S. FDA warns against consuming shellfish from Oregon and Washington states due to contamination with paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins. At least 31 people in Oregon have been sickened. The toxin is produced by algae and can cause numbness, vomiting, diarrhea, and other severe symptoms. Cooking or freezing contaminated shellfish does not make them safe to eat.

Brain's Clearance of Toxins During Sleep

New research suggests that the brain's clearance of toxins may be more efficient during wakefulness than during sleep, challenging the long-held belief that sleep is necessary for clearing toxins from the brain.

Misinformation about Toxins in Everyday Items

The article discusses the prevalence of misinformation on social media regarding toxins in everyday items and the importance of understanding the nuances of scientific research. It highlights the fearmongering tactics used to spread misinformation and the need for a more balanced and informed approach to health decisions.

Misinformation about Avoiding Toxins in 2024

Social media is filled with fear-mongering content about avoiding toxins, promoting the idea that all things natural are better and safer. Misinformation about toxicity levels is rampant, leading to unnecessary fears and misconceptions. The reality is nuanced, with health being influenced by multiple factors. Influencers and even established organizations sometimes spread misinformation for profit or misguided advocacy.

Health risks at North Carolina State University linked to toxins in Poe Hall

More than 150 students, staff, and alumni from North Carolina State University have been diagnosed with cancers and other diseases linked to toxins in Poe Hall. The building was closed in November 2023 due to concerning levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), which are toxic chemicals linked to cancer. Lawsuits have been filed against the university by affected individuals. The university faces criticism for not taking proper actions to address the issue.