Response to President Biden's Criticism of Trump's China Tariffs

Sen. Mark Warner responds to President Biden's criticism of Trump's China tariffs by stating that China doesn't follow market rules and operates on a different basis. He acknowledges that while he may have criticized Trump's tariffs in the past, China plays by a different set of rules.

India reverses laptop licensing policy after U.S. lobbying

India reversed a laptop licensing policy after lobbying by U.S. officials, causing alarm in Washington. The U.S. scored a rare win by persuading India to roll back the policy, which required licenses for imported laptops. The U.S. is closely monitoring India's scrutiny of imported devices to ensure compliance with WTO obligations.

U.S.-China Trade Relationship and Diplomacy

U.S. Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns emphasizes the importance of the trade relationship between the U.S. and China, stating that both countries are critical for each other's success. He hopes to stabilize the relationship by working on climate change together while also competing on other issues.