Discussion on Globalist Experiment, Artificial Intelligence, and Leftist Activists

Breitbart News editor-in-chief Alex Marlow spoke with comedian Bryan Callen about the failure of the globalist experiment, the threat of artificial intelligence, and leftist activists' belief in their intellectual superiority. They discussed the importance of traditional values and the need for the right to win the PR war against the left.

California Governor Gavin Newsom attending Vatican Climate Summit

California Governor Gavin Newsom to attend Vatican Climate Summit despite progressive track record including support for transgender surgeries and pro-abortion campaigns. Newsom's visit aims to advance subnational climate work with a region in Italy.

J.K. Rowling's defiance against hate speech law in Scotland

J.K. Rowling is defying the hate speech law in Scotland by stating that men who claim to be women are still men, challenging the authorities to arrest her. The police have declined to take action against her comments, sparking criticism and accusations of political bias. The Hate Crime and Public Order Act 2021 in Scotland has raised concerns about the suppression of freedom of expression and the recording of 'non-crime hate incidents.'