U.S. Supreme Court to Review Tennessee Ban on Puberty Blockers and Transgender Surgeries for Minors

The U.S. Supreme Court will review Tennessee's ban on puberty blockers and transgender surgeries for minors in the case of U.S. v. Skrmetti, impacting 22 states with similar bans. Various groups and individuals are divided on the issue, with arguments centered around child welfare, parental rights, and transgender youth's well-being.

Transgender Surgery Ruling by Federal Appeals Court

A federal appeals court ruled that transgender surgeries cannot be denied in state-run healthcare programs based on existing constitutional rules forbidding sexual discrimination; Democrat-nominated judges voted in favor while Republican-nominated judges opposed the decision. The decision may be reviewed by the Supreme Court.

Controversial Maine Bill on Transgender Surgeries and Abortion Protections

Republican Maine State Rep. Laurel Libby is working to block a bill in Maine that would make the state a sanctuary for transgender surgeries and treatments, including for children. The bill, LD 227, protects medical providers from lawsuits and interference for providing services that are unlawful in other states, such as abortion and gender transition procedures. The bill has passed the Democrat-dominated legislature and awaits the governor's signature.

Court ruling on Christian Employers Alliance and transgender surgeries

A federal district court ruled against the Biden administration in a case involving the Christian Employers Alliance (CEA) and employees' rights to refuse to pay for transgender surgeries. The court found that religious employers have the freedom to conduct their business in line with their religious beliefs.