Thai Police Seize Ketamine Hidden in Transformer Robots and Human Rights Violations in Thailand

Thai police seized ketamine hidden inside life-size Transformer robots, while a leading human rights organization urged the government to stop forcing political dissidents to return to authoritarian home countries. The Thai government allegedly engaged in transnational repression by cooperating with neighboring countries to track down dissidents.

Sikhs Rally for Khalistan Independence in California

Sikhs in California rally for an independent Khalistan ahead of a referendum, seeking recognition after historic violence in India. While some believe in the cause, others feel Sikhs are happy in India and should focus on contributing positively to America. Recent incidents of transnational repression highlight the ongoing struggle for Sikh rights and identity.

Chinese Government Harassment of Dissidents Abroad

Chinese citizens living abroad face harassment and threats from the Chinese government for criticizing their policies. Some dissidents have chosen to go public despite the risks involved.