Russia-North Korea Treaty

Russia and North Korea sign treaty upgrading their relationship and pledging military assistance in case of attack.

Russia-North Korea Treaty

Russia and North Korea signed a new treaty for mutual defense assistance, formalizing their military and diplomatic cooperation. The treaty includes mutual assistance in case of aggression against one of the signatories. The pact is defensive in nature and sets large-scale tasks for deepening relations. The US and its allies are concerned about the growing military partnership.

Russian President Putin's Visit to North Korea

Russian President Putin visited North Korea, met with Kim Jong-un, and signed a treaty for mutual assistance in case of military attack. The two leaders enjoyed a friendly car ride and held a press conference to announce the agreement.

Philippines-China Standoff in the South China Sea

Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. warns China that any Filipino soldier killed by a Beijing water cannon would be considered an act of war, potentially dragging the U.S. into a conflict in the South China Sea.

U.N. Treaty on Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge

A new treaty by U.N. member countries aims to protect traditional knowledge about genetic resources from indigenous cultures. The agreement requires patent applicants to specify the origin of ideas used in their products. It will take effect as international law after 15 countries adopt it.

WHO Pandemic Treaty Concerns

British MPs warn that a new WHO pandemic treaty could lead to the UK losing control over pandemic policy decisions to unelected WHO officials. The treaty could pressure countries into implementing measures like vaccine passports and border closures. Critics fear that the treaty may undermine UK sovereignty and lead to significant changes in public health policy.