Exploitation of Indian Farm Labourers in Italy

Thousands of Indian farm labourers in Italy protest against exploitation after a worker's gruesome death sheds light on abuse of undocumented migrants. The worker's arm was sliced off by a machine, and he was dumped by the road. The incident has sparked a wider debate on systemic abuses in the agriculture sector.

Immigration Bill in Iowa Challenged by DOJ and Civil Rights Groups

The Department of Justice and civil rights groups filed lawsuits to prevent an immigration bill in Iowa that allows law enforcement to arrest undocumented migrants. Similar laws have been passed in states like Texas and Oklahoma.

Border Patrol apprehends undocumented migrants near a middle school in New Mexico

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott speaks on immigration at the Texas Policy Summit, stating President Biden isn't following U.S. law. A middle school in southern New Mexico was placed on lockdown after illegal migrants were apprehended just outside the school. Border Patrol agents responded and apprehended the undocumented migrants, ensuring safety measures were in place.

Georgia lawmakers' efforts to identify undocumented migrants

Georgia lawmakers are pushing for measures to identify and punish cities and counties harboring undocumented immigrants, citing a recent incident involving a Venezuelan man accused of murdering a nursing student. The proposed bill would allow residents to sue local governments for violating the 2009 anti-sanctuary law, leading to a cut-off of state and federal aid. It also includes the removal of elected officials and aims to ensure compliance with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.