President Biden's Mental Acuity Controversy

Conservative tech expert expresses concerns about President Biden's mental acuity while White House dismisses videos as 'cheap fakes'.

Biden Campaign Task Force on Malfunctioning Videos

The Biden campaign has created a task force to reduce the impact of videos showing President Biden malfunctioning in public. White House aides are sensitive about videos of Biden and have begun quarreling with media allies about the coverage of Biden's age, gaffes, and confusing moments.

Reactions to Videos Refuting Claims About President Biden

The article discusses reactions to videos refuting claims about President Biden's mental state and memory issues. It highlights the challenges of separating truth from fiction in media coverage during political campaigns.

Controversy over Videos of President Joe Biden's Public Behavior

Videos of President Joe Biden appearing to malfunction in public have been called 'cheap fakes' by the White House, while the Trump campaign insists they are real. Biden has faced criticism for incidents where he appeared to freeze and wander off, with some suggesting health challenges may be the cause.

PragerU and Its Influence on Education

PragerU, a conservative content creator, is making short videos for young audiences and has faced criticism for its tone and accuracy. It has been embraced by some state education officials and is funded by wealthy donors. Critics argue it presents a single ideological direction, while supporters see it as a counter to left-wing bias in education.