Kylian Mbappé urges French people to vote in upcoming elections

French soccer star Kylian Mbappé urges young people to vote in upcoming national assembly elections and warns against 'extremes.'

Southern Baptist Convention vote on ban against churches with women pastors

The Southern Baptist Convention rejected a proposal to ban churches with women pastors in their constitution. The denomination already has a way to remove such churches and the vote failed to get a required two-thirds majority.

House Speaker Mike Johnson's Continued Role After Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's Failed Attempt to Oust Him

House Speaker Mike Johnson remains in his position after Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's failed attempt to oust him. Johnson called on House Republicans to stick together despite their slim majority. Greene's motion to vacate the chair was effectively killed before the vote on Johnson's ouster. Johnson emphasized the need for a functioning Congress in the midst of conflicts and expressed confidence in Republican victories in November.

House Vote to Protect Speaker Mike Johnson from Conservative Coup

The House voted to protect Speaker Mike Johnson from a conservative coup led by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, ensuring Johnson remains in his position. Greene's efforts to oust Johnson were thwarted, with the final vote dealing a major blow to her. Former President Trump supported Johnson and encouraged Republicans to vote in favor of protecting him.

House of Representatives Drama

Democrats ensured Speaker Mike Johnson remains in his position despite a motion to vacate him by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. Majority Leader Steve Scalise immediately moved to table the motion, resulting in a final vote tally of 359-43. Eleven GOP members, including Rep. Thomas Massie, voted against tabling the motion.

Vote to Remove Speaker of the House

Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Thomas Massie moved to force a vote to remove Speaker Mike Johnson, citing his failure to uphold promises and work with Democrats. The motion was voted down by a majority of Democrats.

House Republicans Vote Against Motion to Vacate Speaker Mike Johnson

Eleven Republicans in the House of Representatives voted against the motion to table Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s motion to vacate Speaker Mike Johnson from his position. The vote was 359-43, with seven members voting present.

House Votes to Block Biden's Lead Ammo Ban

The House voted to block the Biden administration’s ban on lead ammunition on federal lands. The legislation was sponsored by Rep. Rob Wittman (R-VA) and supported by Republicans. A small number of Democrats also voted to block the ban.

Brown University Divestment Vote on Israel Support

Brown University leaders agree to hold a vote on divesting from companies that support Israel, pro-Palestinian student demonstrators clear their encampment.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's Threat to Remove House Speaker Mike Johnson

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene threatens to call a vote to remove House Speaker Mike Johnson, but has not triggered the resolution yet. Democrats may support Johnson, changing the math in the House necessary to remove the Speaker.

Speaker Mike Johnson's Leadership Challenge

Speaker Mike Johnson faces a challenge from within his own party, with some Republicans endorsing a motion to terminate his leadership. If he can survive the vote, he may hold on until November with potential Democratic support. However, ousting him could lead to chaos and hurt the GOP's chances of keeping the majority. The situation is causing division and uncertainty within the Republican Party.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's Amendment to Ukraine Funding Bill

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene introduced an amendment to a funding bill for Ukraine that would require members of Congress who vote in favor to enlist in the Ukrainian military. The bill combines funding for Israel, Ukraine, countering China, and strengthening US national security.

Political Division Over FISA Reauthorization

Hardliner Republicans criticize Speaker of the House Mike Johnson for casting a tie-breaking vote against an amendment to require a warrant for surveillance under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). Rep. Matt Gaetz vows political retaliation against Republicans who voted against the amendment.

House Speaker Mike Johnson's Controversial Vote and Future

House Speaker Mike Johnson intends to remain in his position despite facing criticism for casting a deciding vote against ending warrantless surveillance. He is now seeking support from former President Trump, but his future is uncertain due to a series of policy failures and controversies. Republicans are divided over his leadership, with some questioning his decisions and actions.

Vote on Sales Tax Impacting Chiefs and Royals in Kansas City

Residents of Kansas City will be voting on whether to repeal a current sales tax that could heavily influence the future of the Chiefs and Royals in the city. The outcome of the vote will determine renovations and potential relocation plans for the teams.

Protest against President Biden's Handling of Israel-Hamas War

Organizers are pushing for Democratic voters to select or write in “uncommitted” on their ballots in upcoming primaries to protest President Biden’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war. Over 100,000 Michiganders cast a protest vote against Biden by choosing “uncommitted” in the primary. The pressure is intended to change policy and give “political advice” to Biden amid the Middle East conflict.

Michigan Political Leaders Pledging to Vote 'Uncommitted' if Biden Doesn't Act

Organizers and political leaders in Michigan are unwilling to compromise on Biden's record and are pledging to vote 'uncommitted' if he doesn't take action.