2024 Presidential Debate Preparation: Biden vs. Trump

Panelists on 'The Big Weekend Show' discuss how President Biden and former President Trump are preparing for the upcoming 2024 presidential debate, highlighting differences in campaign strategies and approaches to engaging with voters.

Analysis of Ohio Special Election and Voter Engagement Trends

Analysis of the Ohio special election shows a Democratic advantage in high-engagement voters, signaling potential challenges for Republicans in the upcoming general election. President Biden holds a lead among high-engagement voters, while former President Trump leads among low-mid engagement voters and newly registered voters.

President Biden's Remarks on Economy and Voter Engagement

President Biden touts the 'best economy in the world' during an interview ahead of the White House's Easter egg roll and expresses optimism about voter engagement in the 2024 election despite some negative feedback.

Republican National Committee's Focus on Electing Donald Trump

The Republican National Committee is focused on electing Donald Trump as president, flipping the Senate, and expanding their majority in the House. They are merging operations with Trump's campaign and working to recruit volunteers and connect with voters.

White House Communications Director Ben LaBolt on President Biden's Economic Recovery Efforts and Voter Engagement

White House Communications Director Ben LaBolt talks about President Joe Biden's economic recovery efforts and the challenge of reaching persuadable voters who may not be engaged with the news. He highlights the President's extensive travel and communication strategies.