Former President Donald Trump's Catchphrases and Political Strategies for the 2024 Election

Former President Donald Trump uses various catchphrases to convey his goals and priorities for the upcoming election year, including 'Too Big to Rig' and 'Swamp the Vote.' He also aims to end taxes on tips for service industry workers and emphasizes never surrendering to his political adversaries.

Clash between CNN's Kaitlan Collins and Sen. Ted Cruz over voter fraud and election results

CNN's Kaitlan Collins clashed with Sen. Ted Cruz over voter fraud and his willingness to accept the results of the 2024 election, with Cruz accusing Collins of not holding prominent Democrats to the same standard.

Controversy Surrounding Donald Trump's Potential Election Loss

Donald Trump and his allies are laying the groundwork to contest a potential loss in November, stoking doubts about the election's legitimacy and preparing for post-election challenges.

Fair Election Fund promoting election integrity through compensating whistleblowers

A nonprofit organization, Fair Election Fund, aims to promote election integrity by compensating whistleblowers who witness corruption during the election process. The group will pay whistleblowers who witness irregularities in the process and highlight these cases through media campaigns.

Discussion on President Joe Biden's Catholicism and Voter Fraud

Dr. Sebastian Gorka and Lara Trump discuss President Joe Biden's Catholicism and voter fraud on the Breitbart News Daily Podcast.

Tucker Carlson claims Democrats will steal 2024 election

Fired Fox News host Tucker Carlson claims Democrats will steal the 2024 election from Donald Trump, criticizing Joe Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland for their stance on voter ID laws. Carlson ignores the fact that Trump's voter fraud allegations were found to be baseless after numerous audits.