Wealthy young people shouting Nazi slogans on Sylt

A video from Sylt shows wealthy young people shouting Nazi slogans and singing xenophobic chants, sparking outrage in Germany. The incident highlights the presence of right-wing extremism in all sections of society, including among the rich and famous.

President Joe Biden's statement on Japan, China, and Russia

President Joe Biden called Japan, China, and Russia "xenophobic" in a statement. He contrasted America's welcoming of immigrants to these countries' struggles. Biden's remarks sparked controversy as he criticized one of America's closest allies.

Impact of Xenophobia on Japan's Economy

President Joe Biden suggests that Japan, China, and Russia are struggling economically due to xenophobia and not welcoming immigrants. Japan is facing demographic challenges and restrictive immigration laws but is trying to attract more foreign workers to sustain economic growth. Public attitudes toward accepting more foreign workers in Japan are gradually changing.