Healthy Lifestyle and Longevity in Hunza Valley, Pakistan

In the Hunza Valley of Pakistan, people have a remarkably high life expectancy of around 100 years due to their healthy lifestyle habits, such as consuming apricot seeds and oil, being active throughout their lives, drinking 'Hunza water' from glacial sources, and having a tight-knit community that takes care of its elderly.

Key Points

  • Consumption of apricot seeds and oil for health benefits
  • Active lifestyle with outdoor activities like cycling and sports
  • Drinking 'Hunza water' from naturally filtered glacial sources
  • Locally sourced and organic food consumption
  • Tight-knit community with care for elderly


  • High life expectancy of around 100 years
  • Healthy and active lifestyle
  • Community support and care for elderly


  • Limited amenities and rudimentary health facilities