Russia's Crude Oil Sales to India and Shadow Fleet

Russia benefits from increased crude oil sales to India, which then exports to the US, potentially using shadow tankers to evade sanctions. The shadow fleet helps Russia navigate Western sanctions, with India aiding by purchasing Russian crude. The complex trade involves ship-to-ship transfers and intricate routes, impacting global oil trade and geopolitics.

Key Points

  • India increases purchases of Russian crude to replace Western buyers affected by sanctions
  • Shadow fleet facilitates complex oil trade routes, potentially evading sanctions
  • Russia benefits from increased revenue and ability to sustain war efforts in Ukraine


  • Increased revenue for Russia from oil sales
  • India's role in global oil trade helps stabilize prices
  • Complex trade arrangements benefit multiple parties


  • Use of shadow tankers raises concerns about sanctions evasion
  • Complicated trade routes can impact transparency in global oil trade
  • Potential for geopolitical implications and tensions