Legal Status of Frozen Embryos in Alabama

Alabama's Supreme Court rules that frozen embryos are considered children under state law, subject to legislation dealing with wrongful death of a minor. The court's decision stemmed from a lawsuit where frozen embryos were destroyed, leading to legal action against the facility involved.

Key Points

  • Alabama's Supreme Court ruled frozen embryos are children under state law
  • Lawsuits were filed against a clinic for violating Alabama's Wrongful Death of a Minor Act
  • The court's decision did not address 'extrauterine children'
  • Dissenting opinion argued for legislative amendment rather than court interpretation


  • Recognition of frozen embryos as children under state law
  • Protection of the rights of in vitro fertilization (IVF) patients


  • Potential impact on IVF procedures and costs
  • Legal complexities surrounding the definition of 'children'