US Pushes for UN Ceasefire Resolution in Response to Israel's Planned Invasion of Rafah, Gaza

The US is pushing for a UN vote on a temporary ceasefire to prevent Israel's planned invasion of Rafah in Gaza. Biden is urging Israel to ensure the safety of civilians in the city and release hostages held by Hamas.

Key Points

  • US draft resolution calls for temporary ceasefire and lifting of blockades in Gaza
  • Biden urges Israel to ensure safety of civilians and release hostages
  • International pressure mounts on Israel to agree to ceasefire


  • Efforts to prevent further harm to civilians in Rafah
  • Calls for the release of hostages held by Hamas
  • International pressure on Israel to agree to a ceasefire


  • Risk of veto by Security Council permanent members
  • Tensions between US and Israel over the planned invasion
  • Potential backlash from Hamas if demands are not met