James Biden's Testimony in House Impeachment Inquiry

SOURCE nypost.com
James Biden insists his brother, President Biden, is innocent of corruption claims despite documented meetings with family associates. He addresses payments received from Hunter Biden and interactions with Chinese state-backed CEFC China Energy. Republicans inquire about Joe Biden's alleged involvement in business dealings, including receiving loan repayments close to foreign ventures. James defends his work with CEFC and denies involvement in illegal activities related to loans. The article also discusses Joe Biden's interactions with foreign partners during his time as Vice President.

Key Points

  • James Biden insists payments received were legitimate loan repayments.
  • Republicans inquire about Joe Biden's role in the Biden family's partnership with CEFC China Energy.
  • James defends his work with CEFC and denies involvement in illegal activities related to loans.


  • James Biden defends his brother, President Biden, against corruption claims.
  • Addresses payments received from Hunter Biden and interactions with Chinese state-backed CEFC China Energy.
  • Provides explanations and denies involvement in illegal activities related to loans.


  • Conflicting testimonies and evidence regarding the Biden family's business dealings.
  • Questions raised about Joe Biden's alleged involvement in partnerships with foreign entities.