Study on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)

Scientists have conducted a small but rigorous study uncovering evidence of abnormalities in the brain and immune systems of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). The study suggests a link between imbalances in brain activity and fatigue, potentially triggered by immune system abnormalities. This research sheds light on the biological basis of CFS and is seen as a significant step forward in understanding the illness.

Key Points

  • Link between imbalances in brain activity and fatigue in CFS/ME patients
  • Abnormalities in brain function may be a focal point for fatigue in this population
  • Elevated heart rates and delayed blood pressure normalization after exertion observed
  • Changes in patients' T cells suggest immune system involvement in CFS/ME


  • Provides compelling evidence for abnormalities in the brain and immune systems of patients with CFS/ME
  • Begins to illuminate the biological basis for the illness that can cause disabling fatigue
  • Identifies potential links between imbalances in brain activity and feelings of fatigue
  • Helps in understanding the underlying biological causes of CFS/ME


  • The study involved only 17 patients, so findings need to be confirmed in a larger group
  • Not clear to what extent findings apply to long Covid as patients were assessed before the pandemic