Paul Ryan's criticisms of Donald Trump and 'Trump populism'

Former House Speaker Paul Ryan criticizes former President Donald Trump and 'Trump populism,' expressing concerns about isolationist tendencies and pro-Russia sentiments within the Republican party.

Key Points

  • Expressed concerns about the establishment of 'Trump populism' within the party
  • Criticized Tucker Carlson for favorable comments about Moscow and Putin
  • Raised alarm about the development of an isolationist wing within the party
  • Praised Nikki Haley for running against Trump and promoting healthy dialogue
  • Suggested that Trump's popularity may be due to Biden's weaknesses rather than his own strengths
  • Acknowledged the impact of indictments on Trump's popularity


  • Highlighting potential dangers of isolationist and pro-Russia sentiments within the Republican party
  • Encouraging healthy dialogue within the party by praising Nikki Haley's candidacy


  • Risk of further dividing the Republican party by criticizing key figures like Trump and Tucker Carlson