The Rise of News Influencers on Instagram

Mosheh Oinounou has turned his Instagram account 'Mo News' into a popular news source by posting analysis and breaking down news articles. He is part of a trend of news personalities on Instagram who curate and deliver news content in a more engaging and interactive way. Instagram has become an important platform for news consumption, especially among millennials and Gen X-ers.

Key Points

  • Instagram is becoming a significant platform for news consumption
  • News influencers on Instagram provide analysis and engage with followers
  • Traditional news organizations are adapting to the rise of news influencers on social media


  • Engages younger audiences in news consumption
  • Provides analysis and breakdown of news articles
  • Offers a more interactive and personalized news experience


  • Risk of spreading misinformation or biased news
  • Dependence on social media platforms for news consumption