Elon Musk's Neuralink Brain Chip and Infidelity

SOURCE www.dailystar.co.uk
A self-confessed cheating addict asked if Elon Musk's Neuralink brain chip could stop him from being unfaithful, sparking controversy online. The chip, still in testing phase, aims to help patients with physical disabilities and mental health conditions like depression and addiction.

Key Points

  • Individual seeks advice on Reddit regarding infidelity and potential use of Neuralink to curb cheating behavior.
  • Neuralink is currently being tested for physical disabilities and future applications could include mental health conditions.
  • AI chatbots are being used as an alternative for extramarital affairs by some individuals.
  • Neuralink is not seen as an immediate solution for addiction or infidelity issues.


  • Neuralink may potentially help individuals with mental health conditions like addiction.


  • The individual's actions are seen as irresponsible and selfish by fellow Redditors.