Increase in Attacks on Churches in the United States

Attacks on churches in the U.S. have increased by nearly 800% in less than six years, with 436 incidents reported in 2023 alone, double the number from the previous year. Most incidents are vandalism, arson, and bomb threats, with unknown motives but some with political or Satanic overtones. The rise in attacks may be connected to a larger societal hostility towards Christianity and religious beliefs.

Key Points

  • 800% increase in attacks on churches in less than six years.
  • 436 incidents reported in 2023 alone, double the number from the previous year.
  • Most incidents involve vandalism, arson, and bomb threats.
  • Unknown motives for many attacks, some with political or Satanic overtones.
  • Rise in attacks may reflect a larger societal hostility towards Christianity and religious beliefs.


  • Raises awareness about the growing hostility against churches in the U.S.
  • Highlights the importance of protecting religious freedom and the right to worship.


  • Lack of clear motives for many incidents makes it challenging to address the root causes of the attacks.
  • Some incidents may be politically motivated, leading to division and polarization.