Meeting between Joe Biden and Alexei Navalny's family

US President Joe Biden meets with Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny's widow and daughter, praising Navalny's courage and criticizing Russian President Vladimir Putin. Navalny died in suspicious circumstances in a Russian jail, with accusations of pressure for a secret burial and claims of responsibility by Biden and Ukrainian President Zelenskyy.

Key Points

  • Navalny was a critic of Putin's rule and died in suspicious circumstances in a Russian jail
  • Biden and Zelenskyy hold Putin responsible for Navalny's death
  • Navalny's family faces pressure for a secret burial and restrictions on seeing him


  • Recognition of Navalny's courage and legacy by US President Joe Biden
  • International attention on the suspicious circumstances of Navalny's death


  • Tensions between US President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin escalate