Monument, Colorado's Non-Sanctuary City Status

The town council of Monument, Colorado affirmed its designation as a non-sanctuary city in response to Denver's struggles with an influx of migrants. The mayor criticized Denver for using local resources to support non-citizens and stated that Monument does not have the budget to do the same. Monument's council unanimously voted to confirm its non-sanctuary status and declared that they will not be accepting busloads of migrants into their community.

Key Points

  • Monument council unanimously reaffirmed non-sanctuary status
  • Criticism towards Denver's use of local resources for migrants
  • Concerns over budget and support capacity
  • Collaboration with federal agencies for migrant handling


  • Protecting local resources
  • Maintaining budget transparency
  • Aligning with neighboring communities


  • Potential lack of support for migrants in need
  • Possible strain on federal agencies
  • Political tension between Monument and Denver