Financial Misdeeds of Wayne LaPierre and the National Rifle Association

Wayne LaPierre, the head of the National Rifle Association, was found liable for financial misdeeds and required to pay $4.3 million back to the NRA. His persona was carefully constructed by a PR firm, and he portrayed himself as a rugged individualist and champion of gun rights, despite being uncomfortable in the spotlight. The NRA used his image to transform gun laws and policies in the United States.

Key Points

  • LaPierre was found liable for enriching himself and those close to him
  • His persona was molded by a PR firm to align with a rugged individualist image
  • The NRA used his image to push for laxer gun laws and policies in the US


  • Exposes the financial misdeeds of Wayne LaPierre and the NRA
  • Sheds light on the carefully constructed persona of LaPierre by a PR firm
  • Highlights the impact of the NRA's influence on gun laws and policies in the US


  • Reveals the deceitful practices of a prominent figure in the gun rights movement