IVF Availability in Alabama

SOURCE www.newsweek.com
Former President Trump called on the Alabama legislature to find a solution to preserve IVF availability after the state Supreme Court ruled that embryos created through IVF are considered children. The decision has led to concerns about the future of IVF services in Alabama, with many facilities pausing treatments.

Key Points

  • Alabama Supreme Court ruling considers frozen embryos as children under state law
  • Many IVF facilities in Alabama have paused services post the court decision
  • Political figures like Trump and Haley express strong support for IVF availability


  • Former President Trump's support for IVF availability in every state
  • Efforts by lawmakers like Representative Nancy Mace to protect IVF for women everywhere


  • Concerns over potential lawsuits against doctors for discarding embryos during IVF process
  • Impact of Alabama Supreme Court ruling on IVF services in the state