Border Crisis and 2024 Election

Fox News report on efforts to make the border crisis a central issue in the 2024 Election, with a pledge launched by BORDERS911, Inc seeking policy commitments to address the crisis.

Key Points

  • Former ICE Director Tom Homan describes the current situation at the border as the worst he has ever seen.
  • BORDERS911, Inc launches a pledge to make the border crisis the defining issue of the 2024 Election.
  • Efforts to address the crisis include proposals to stop the flow of migrants at the southern border.


  • Efforts to address the border crisis are being highlighted and pushed as a key issue for the upcoming election.
  • The pledge by BORDERS911, Inc seeks specific policy commitments to tackle the crisis, such as ending catch and release and reforming legal immigration procedures.


  • The border crisis is described as a country-ending crisis, indicating the severity of the situation.
  • Criticism towards the Biden administration for the current state of border security and immigration policies.